Strategic grazing management

The creative planning and adaptive management of livestock grazing in the context of complexity -- time, space, land health and diversity – and a resolution to a long-standing debate in rangeland management science.

For me, this began with my MS thesis in range science at Utah State University (based on the ideas of my advisor, Brien E. “Ben” Norton); and evolved through my work as a rangeland conservationist in the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and as a member of the Society for Range Management and other organizations, including fruitful collaborations with scientists like Richard Teague, Fred Provenza, and Tim Steffens. For the Colorado Section SRM, I organized a symposium on Strategic Grazing Management using complex adaptive systems as a lens combining the applied science and the art of management to understand how multiple “sides” of the debate over multiple-paddock grazing are true, but partial; and which was published as a sponsored issue of the Rangelands journal.


Grazing management that regenerates ecosystem function and grazingland livelihoods

African Journal of Range and Forage Science

July 2017 | 34(2): 1-10 | R. Teague and M. Barnes

Outstanding Publication Award, Colorado Section Society for Range Management

Multi-paddock grazing on rangelands: Why the perceptual dichotomy between research results and rancher experience?

Journal of Environmental Management

October 15, 2013 | 128: 699-717 | R. Teague, F. Provenza, U. Kreuter, T. Steffens, and M. Barnes

Outstanding Publication Award, Texas Section Society for Range Management

Strategic Grazing Management for Complex Creative Systems


October 2013 | Sponsored issue, 35(5): 1-66 | M. Barnes and A. Hild (eds.)

Foreword: Strategic grazing management for complex creative systems


October 2013 | 35(5): 3-5 | M. Barnes and A. Hild

Complex creative systems: Principles, processes, and practices of transformation


October 2013 | 35(5): 6-13 | F. Provenza, H. Pringle, D. Revell, N. Bray, C. Hines, R. Teague, T. Steffens, and M. Barnes

Adaptive grazing management for recovery: Know why you’re moving from paddock to paddock


October 2013 | 35(5): 28-34 | T. Steffens, G. Grissom, M. Barnes, F. Provenza, and R. Roath

Grazing management can improve livestock distribution: Increasing accessible forage and effective grazing capacity


October 2013 | 35(5): 45-51 | B.E. Norton, M. Barnes, and R. Teague

Multiple-paddock grazing distributes utilization across heterogeneous mountain landscapes


October 2013 | 35(5): 52-61 | M. Barnes and J. Howell

Strategic Grazing Management for Complex Adaptive Systems

Symposium proceedings | Society for Range Management

Annual meeting | Colorado Section Society for Range Management

November 29-30, 2012 | Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado | M. Barnes (organizer and editor)

Grazing period stocking rate drives livestock performance in rotational stocking

Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society: Proceedings of the IX International Rangeland Congress

April 2-8, 2011 | Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina | M.K. Barnes, T.J. Steffens, and L.R. Rittenhouse

Minimal repeat defoliation, and feeding choice shift, during short grazing periods

Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society: Proceedings of the IX International Rangeland Congress

April 2-8, 2011 | Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina | M. Maeno, B.E. Norton, and M.K. Barnes

Do paddock size and stocking density affect species selectivity of grazing?

Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society: Proceedings of the IX International Rangeland Congress

April 2-8, 2011 | Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina | M. Maeno, B.E. Norton, and M.K. Barnes

Improving forage distribution utilization & livestock production—Planned grazing

In Practice

January 2010 | 129: 8 | M. Barnes

Graze period stocking rate, not stock density, determines livestock nutrient intake

Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Grazing Lands

December 12-16, 2009 | p. 643-648 | Sparks, Nevada | T.J. Steffens, M.K. Barnes, and L.R. Rittenhouse

Paddock size and stocking density affect spatial heterogeneity of grazing

Rangeland Ecology & Management

July 2008 | 61(4): 380-388 | M.K. Barnes, B.E. Norton, M. Maeno, and J.C. Malechek

Benefits of multi-paddock grazing management on rangelands: Limitations of experimental grazing research and knowledge gaps

Grasslands: Ecology, Management and Restoration

April 2008 | P. 41-80 | Nova Science Publishers | R. Teague, F. Provenza, B. Norton, T. Steffens, M. Barnes, M. Kothmann, and R. Roath. In: H.G. Schroder (ed.)


Strategic grazing management, complexity, distribution, and anti-predator behavior

Adaptive Grazing Strategies symposium, Society for Range Management

February 2, 2016 | Corpus Christi, Texas | M. Barnes

Multiple-paddock grazing improves distribution of utilization across a heterogeneous mountain landscape

2011 – 2012 | M.K. Barnes and J.G. Howell

April 3, 2013 | Holistic Thought and Management course | Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.

November 30, 2012 | Strategic Grazing Management for Complex Adaptive Systems [symposium], Society for Range Management | Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

October 24, 2011 | Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau | Flagstaff, Arizona

February 8, 2011 | Transcending Borders: Landscapes and Legends, Society for Range Management | Billings, Montana

Grazing period stocking rate drives livestock performance in rotational stocking [poster]

Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society: 9th International Rangeland Congress

April 2, 2011 | Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina | M.K. Barnes, T.J. Steffens, and L.R. Rittenhouse

Do paddock size and stocking density affect species selectivity of grazing? [poster] | Minimal repeat defoliation, and feeding choice shift, during short grazing periods [poster]

Diverse Rangelands for a Sustainable Society: 9th International Rangeland Congress

April 2, 2011 | Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina | M. Maeno, M., B.E. Norton, and M.K. Barnes

Spatial distribution of grazing on a gradient of paddock size and stocking density

2002 | M.K. Barnes, B.E. Norton, M, Maeno, and J.C. Malechek

July 26, 2002 | Department of Rangeland Resources, Utah State University | Logan, Utah

February 12, 2002 | Society for Range Management | Kansas City, Missouri

Strategic Grazing Management for Complex Creative Systems

Sponsored issue of Rangelands 35 (5). M. Barnes and A. Hild, guest editors.

Front Cover: A herd of grass-fed cattle from Blue Range Ranch, herded by George Whitten in a strategic grazing plan on the Baca National Wildlife Refuge, below the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the San Luis Valley, CO, USA. Photo by Matt Barnes.